Ghost Plant     > next
Kuenstlerhaus and Stadtraum - Sammlung Friedrichshof & Estate Otto Muehl. Vienna, 2020.

Inspired by incredible forms existing in nature and our surroundings, this work is a representation of systems of support and connectivity.
In the forest, trees of different species have been thought to fight for light, but in reality they benefit from one another when sharing the same space. Their intertwined roots and a symbiotic relationship to fungi create an underground economy that exists beneath trees, a huge network, called "The Wood Wide Web".

After years living in Vienna, Roberta Lima moved to Finland and experienced the conflict with isolation.
Initially Lima struggled with feeling alone, but then she profited from introspection. She embraced restrictions and sought for alternative forms of communication. Working remotely has been Lima's reality since then.

The support of her collaborators in Vienna, Brazil and other places is crucial for making and presenting this work.
A sculpture made of cables is the main object of the multi-media installation at Stadtraum in Vienna.
Spread throughout the space, the cables connect to various media works distributed in the rooms. Displaying images produced in Finland, the works explore artistic production using the concepts of "The Wood Wide Web".
In Ghost Plant, the body stands as energy source and the element that challenges and redefines structures.

Special Thanks:
Erika Artaker
Cristiano Selbach
Anna Wassertheurer

Image Credits:

Sammlung Friedrichshof Stadtraum: Philipp Schulz
Künstlerhaus: P.Petignat
